Saturday, February 28, 2015

EP: Research - Bloodborne

The last one by From Software I'm looking at, I swear, is Bloodborne. Bloodborne isn't released yet however from the videos, demo gameplay and screenshots that I've seen it seems Miyazaki's new story will follow closely to the mechanics of Dark Souls and its story's tone. Due to Bloodborne being the newest of all the games I've looked at, I can see the clear jump in visual quality - the same classical Gothic architecture that was present in Dark Souls 1 & 2 seems to be back only much more of it as it seems to be set in a city-like environment and obviously the place has been created at a much higher quality than previous titles.

From what I've seen of Bloodborne, there seems to be a lot 'more' in general. More buildings, more areas looping back on themselves, larger interiors, huge structures and lots of pathways for the player to explore. The levels look highly complex and highly detailed, I think the aesthetic of Victorian England (mixed with the clear H.P. Lovecraft influences) come off great.

My 'Bloodborne' Inspiration Board

Regarding Bloodborne's environments, I think the worlds climate, weather and a touch of nature has really helped to make the game look visually appealing and atmospheric. Like Lords of the Fallen, Bloodborne seems to be paying a lot of attention to set dressing environments with input from nature/biological influences. In particular, I have seen a lot of areas covered in fog and smog, even as low as the ground, which keeps a sense of constant mystery and unveiled secrets. it really adds to the feeling of the world being enigmatic - luring the player in to explore as much as possible and uncover what's hidden in the city. This also accompanied by a liberal use of surreal rolling clouds in the sky with vibrant & colourful rim lighting. To me, it gives that same style of Dark Souls 1 & 2 that makes me believe I'm travelling through a far away land that's magical and different from our own - like an alternate version of reality.

 I've also seen some areas in the game where you can see the edge of the city, and it appears there's a long vertical drop into nothingness - clouds, fog, smog and smoke, which makes me think the game is taking place on some huge floating ethereal land. I love this kind of location idea and usage of, sometimes literally, smoke & mirrors to leave some thoughts up to the player to decide where they are, what they're doing and how it's possible.

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