Sunday, March 1, 2015

EP: Floor Plan Ideas

Here are some Floor Plan ideas I've come up with. I've been trying to implement small objectives/puzzles into the levels and also think about the location, architecture and some potential physical layouts that can tell the story of the area. I also thought up some archetypical traps and puzzle attributes to add to the environment like:

- Boulders/Falling Environment
- Ground Spikes
- Levers & Buttons
- Elevators
- Confined Spaces - Crouch Mechanic orientated
- Timed Platforms

I've tried to include a 'Monument' in each idea so I can give atleast a little non-interpretive information to the player so they can gain some inkling of where they are with assurance. I decided to go with an 'Observatory' structure for where the NPC resides. The backstory idea currently of the NPC is:

'The Watcher' Physically huge hole in head.

Speaks about being sent to this observatorium as a punishment.

He betrayed the higher-up Gods (creators). Jealous of the newer creations, feels betrayed himself because he was one of the many first-born species.

Sentenced to suffer and watch the very creations he despises until death. 

I've been mindful of keeping the curse/hex/emotion thing forming into a tangible physical attribute for him. I'm still thinking of different bios and ideas, this isn't set in stone but I'm happy with the idea of the NPC residing in an observatory locked away/stranded in a high place away from civilization. 

In terms of level, I've included some Trigger events - mostly falling/decaying environment areas, meant to provide the player with a blockage in their pathway, forcing them to think of an alternative route. On top of this, it also describes the scene as being ancient, old and not looked after. I may end up merging some aspects of every floor plan together depending on feedback from peers.

My Floor Plan Ideas

#4 Extra Platforms at the End of the level,falling/destroyed-by-trigger environment. Force player to learn patterns.

#1 Replacement for Weighted Cage area - Pick up objects to form pathways. E.g. Plank

#1 and #3 have a direct view of the end of the level. Gives visual representation of a goal for the player to aim for.

#4 Hides the end objective but discovering the Observatory goal gives the player a sense of exploration. Another feeling of success?

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