Ian Livingstone (CBE) at Creative Networks
- Setting up Gamesworkshop
- Fighting Fantasy
- Lara Croft
- Ian Livingstone started in digital games through EIDOS (Tomb Raider).
Why Games?
We learn through play. Kids learn through games and playing. Gaming is important for us to teach each other, try things out and gain insight.
- Originally started small, publishing a newsletter (Owl and Weasel) for Gamesworkshop.
- Struck a deal with Gary Gygax for Europe exclusivity.
- In 1977 ditched Owl & Weasel, made "White Dwarf".
- Warhammer came into the scene.
- Ian & Steve sold Gamesworkshop in 1991.
Tip: If you want your IP to go far make sure it's yours legally. The revenue follows.
- Media has always worked against games.
- The media hated Fighting Fantasy:
A vicar threatened to chain himself to the rails of the Puffin Publisher building due to Fighting Fantasy and a woman also said her son started to levitate after reading Fighting Fantasy. The media also said that interacting with ghouls and monsters in Fighting Fantasy would allow the devil to possess players.
Ian had some commentary on the games industry that I fully agree with:
"Games are a safe environment to fail in."
"Games can be art."
"Games can be educational."
- The game industry has grown. Projected to be a £90b industry by 2016.
- The game industry is in constant transition. Explosion of 2nd Golden Age is now.
he also backs the last part up by mentioning 3 things he feels are very important to the popularity of games as entertainment: eSports, MMOs and Apps.
I definitely expect MMOs and Apps to be listed but I'm really pleasantly surprised that he recognizes the popularity of eSports is climbing constantly at a rapid rate. I've noticed myself games such as League of Legends have gone from 80k-10k viewers during championships on Twitch.tv to now 500k-600k viewers. And that's only recording live-viewers that are watching from individual IP addresses on just that one website.
- The 3 biggest problems small studios will come across will be: Marketing, Monetisation & Margin.
In terms of game design, Livingstone says:
"Gameplay is the only thing that truly matters" - Pong used as an example.
On top of this, IP's have always been important in games.
- Building your own brand and owning it is key.
- You can make revenue from collaborating in marketing with other brands.
E.g. Lara Croft & Lucozade adverts.
The 5P's of Games:
- Perception. it's a real industry.
- Pipes. Internet/broadbaned allows to share (Upload/Download)
- Property. IP Ownership.
- Pounds. Convince those with money/ Crowd fund through Kickstarters.
- People. Skilled workforce & communication.